Sunday, October 4, 2009

A long long time ago...

A long time ago I stopped blogging, now I'm planning to 'reload' the project :) Anyway, I deleted some of my previous posts, I realized that I was a wee bit ruder than I normally am ;)
Quick catch-up: I started teaching at this secondary school (no institute name for purpose!:) last September, then I quit in August because I hated it and started working at this another school (no institute name for purpose again!:) which seems to be a lot better environment for my little self. Just yesterday I was accepted to become an IATEFL Hungary Committee Member at the annual conference. Life has been busy for me, has it not?

1 comment:

mark andrews said...

congrats on getting elected to the committee Orsi,hope you enjoy it. I wrote this message to the former committee on Sunday night but didn't have your email address so I'll use this opportnity to send it to you here.........and get well soon! ciao

just wanted to thank everybody for making this such a wonderful experience this weekend. If there were 260 different conferences then mine must have been one of the most enjoyable, from 2pm on Friday till 1.30 today. I actually think I felt better at this conference than all of the 14 IATEFL-H conferences I have attended. For me it was a mixture of the student helpers being there, doing the SIG afternoon, the magazine, contributing to the Pecha Kucha, co-operating with the committee better than ever b4 ( was great to have the Luppa Sziget event, really felt involved!), being inspired by presenters I'd never met before Herbert Puchta, Safya Cherchalli, Lindsay Clandfield, Rose Senior, Matrai Marta and Beatrix Price, and just such a wonderful venue. Sad to see Ili, Kolos, Nati and Andras leave. Didn't get a chance to talk to you about that one Kolos but I believe quite strongly that you can avoid a clash of interest and still be in the committee. I think in many ways it makes you and us even more careful to deal with publishers even-handedly if you are there. One year is too little, how long have you been in the committe now Aniko? Teachers' Associations are great things and once again thanks to all of you for carrying on everything since 1990. As you saw on Saturday night in my 6 mins and 40 seconds, continuity means a lot to me.

sleep well and sweet dreams, everyone can rest in their beds with a smile on their face in the knowledge that we have made a big contribution to more people teaching better, with more committment and care than they did before...

night night